Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Reports builder has encountered a problem ...

  1. In HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\\ Try setting your NLS_LANG setting in the registry to AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1
  2. Check REPORTS_CLASSPATH in registry. Make sure it clear
  3. Check you path settings
  4. In $OH\bin there is a file called oracle.key. Open it and see the entry there. The entry there should match the oracle home in registry ( HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ )
  5. See whether there is any XML syntax error in $OH\reports\conf\rwbuilder.conf. Best way would be to delete the existing rwbuilder config file and start the builder. It would generate a new config file.
  6. See whether REPORTS_TMP points to a valid directory.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Default: TRUE

Valid values: FALSE, TRUE (default)

FORMS_MMAP configures Forms services to use memory mapped file I/O
when running Forms applications. This reduces the amount of memory
required on a system when more than one user is running the same Form.
By default FORMS_MMAP is set on.

Switching Memory mapping to off (FALSE) may be desirable in a
development environment as memory mapped file i/o has the side effect
of locking the forms in use preventing a developers from replacing
them with a new version. However, be aware that doing so may increase
memory usage and reduce performance. For production systems,
FORMS_MMAP should be unset or set to a value of TRUE

error = FRM-30087