Monday, September 07, 2009

Create a New Report Server

%OMH% = Oracle Middle Tier Home
Open command prompt:
C:\>rwserver server=%newreportserver_name% start
Shut down the opmn:
C:\>%OMH%\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall
Add new server target to opmn.xlm
C:\>%OMH%\bin\addNewServerTarget.bat %newreportserver_name%
The DOS window will close automatically.

Open command prompt again:

Update the config with new settings
C:\>%OMH%\dcm\bin\dcmctl.bat updateconfig -ct opmn -v -d
C:\>%OMH%\dcm\bin\dcmctl.bat resyncinstance -v -d

Close the report server window if it's opened

Start the opmn
C:\>%OMH%\opmn\bin\opmnctl startall