Monday, October 26, 2009

Remove an Oracle Reports server

Assume %OMH% is Oracle Middle Tier Home

Go to %OMH% /sysman/emd

Open file targets.xml for editing.

Check for [Target] tag where its attribute "NAME" should matches as follows:
“[ias_instance_name]_Reports_Server: [reports_server_to_be_removed]”
In our example it is oracleas.dbserver_Reports_anand
"oracleas.dbserver" is ias_instance_name
"anand" is reports server name
Select from Starting Tag [Target..] to ending tag [/Target] and delete selected lines.
[Target TYPE=”oracle_repserv” NAME=”[ias_instance_name]_Reports_Server: [reports_server_to_be_removed]” …]…[/Target]

Save and Close targets.xml file.

Now open console and go to %OMH%/dcm/bin

Give following commands to update and resync console with new configuration:

1. dcmctl updateconfig -ct opmn -v -d
2. dcmctl resyncinstance -v -d

Once done without any error, go to %OMH%/bin
Give following commands to restart the console:

1. emctl stop iasconsole
2. emctl start iasconsole
That's it, Report Server is removed now!

You can also delete from:
ias-component id="MyRepServerName" .....

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